Are you interested in funding for stewardship practices
on a ranch, farm or dairy in Marin County?
This is an ongoing application for Marin County producers to apply anytime for projects on their land.
Our current funding focuses on Climate Smart Agriculture. Visit the application link above for more information.
Pre-construction project example: An eroding streambank on a ranch is negatively impacting water quality.
Post-construction example: Streambank erosion repaired with earthwork (changing the slope of the bank) and vegetation (native plants to stabilize the bank soil).
Marin Resource Conservation District stands ready to serve as your partner in land stewardship. We are a non-regulatory agency that provides confidential technical assistance. We offer the following:
Conservation Planning
Guidance in soil health, monitoring, and the co-creation of essential plans such as:
Carbon Farm Plans
Soil Health Management Plans
Grazing Management Plans
Technical Assistance & Implementation
Design, permitting and construction management for projects that improve water quality and climate resilience.
Financial assistance is available for project implementation. Many projects do not require landowner cost share.
Learn more about past projects and what practices qualify in the application portal.
Division 9 of the CA Public Resources Code gives Resource Conservation Districts authority to oversee and manage countywide or regional natural resource conservation projects on both public and private lands.
Marin RCD receives several types of funding for specific projects, and based on your interest we can match you with the current available funding. This Fall/Winter 2024 round of projects is funded by one or more of the following:
USDA Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities (SMACCC)
Expand markets for America’s climate-smart commodities, leverage the greenhouse gas benefits of climate-smart commodity production, and provide direct, meaningful benefits to production agriculture
Marin County Parks Measure A
Matching funds for sustainable agriculture stewardship projects
California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
Install management practices to improve water quality in the Tomales Bay and Estero de San Antonio watersheds