Project Status

The Marin Biomass Project has undertaken a comprehensive study of biomass flows generated in Marin and of a utilization system that can make ecologically and economically sound uses of them. Working with Spatial Informatics Group (SIG) as the prime consultant on the Study, as of January 1, 2025, the status of the study chapters are as follows:

Chapter Status

Chapter 1: Biomass Feedstock Evaluation draft under revision

Chapter 2: Utilization Pathways Assessment draft under revision

Chapter 3: Greenhouse Gas Analysis draft under revision

Chapter 4: Economic Analysis draft under revision

Chapter 5: Findings and Recommendations in development

The Collaborative has met and provided in-depth feedback on Chapters 1-4. The Steering Committee has used this feedback to undertake revisions to Chapters 1-4 with the consulting team.

For more information about the Marin Biomass Project, contact Project Manager Chad White.